JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science
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Help Submitting Assignments Using SUBMIT

To submit an assignment using you should:

Setup the local computer (i.e., the computer you are sitting in front of).

  1. Log into the computer you are using.
  2. Mount your Novell drive. (How you do this depends on the operating system you are using and your location.)
  3. Make your folder/directory your current folder/directory. (Each assignment must be in its own folder/directory.)
  4. Create a folder/directory for the assignment. (Each assignment must be in its own folder/directory.)
  5. Put the files for the assignment in the assignment's folder. (Either create them there or copy them there.)


  1. Login to (On a Windows machine: start PuTTY, enter as the "Host Name", select SSH, and click Open. On a Linux/Unix machine, open a terminal window and enter ssh Enter your EID and password.
  2. Mount your Novell drive on using the command mount-n. Enter your Novell password when prompted for it.
  3. Verify that your Novell drive has been mounted using the command ls. It should appear as the folder/directory n-drive.
  4. Change the current folder/directory to the folder/directory containing your assignment with the command cd n-drive/assignment (where assignment denotes the folder/directory you created for the assignment).


  1. Enter the command submit
  2. Select your course.
  3. Select the appropriate assignment.
  4. Enter the file or files that constitute the assignment. (Multiple files should be delimited by commas. You may use the wildcard character -- for eample, *.java will submit all .java files.)
  5. Submit creates two reports, one in text format (.txt) and one in PDF format (.pdf). If your submission "failed", you should review one or the other to determine the source of the problem(s).

NOTE: You have not submitted your assignment until the word "SUCCESS" appears next to each test.

To finish working on

  1. Change the directory to your home directory (using the command cd ~).
  2. Logout using the command exit.

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