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Creating a Subversion Repository on Dropbox

1 Introduction

While one can use a dedicated Subversion server (e.g., RiouxSVN) to host repositories, it is also possible to use Dropbox.

2 Getting Started

Each member of the team must hav an account and install the Dropbox client (if it is not already installed) so that Dropbox is available using the file:// protocol (i.e., as if it is on the file system).

3 The Host

One member of the team must play the role of host by creating a repository for the project in her/his Dropbox folder/directory (which, if the Dropbox client is running, will appear to be on the local file system). This is a four-part process.

First, from the Dropbox WWW site:

  1. Click on Sharing-New shared folder, select "I'd like to create and share a new folder", and click on Next.
  2. Enter the name of the new folder/directory (e.g., CS345repository) and click on Next. (This folder/directory will be created under the Dropbox folder/directory.) Note: Never use the space character in directory/folder names because it is commonly used as a delimiter. (You probably shouldn't use it in file names either.)
  3. Share this folder/directory with the team by entering all of their Dropbox email addresses and clicking on Share folder.

Second, do the equivalent of running svnadmin create from the command line. In Aptana Studio:

  1. If you are not already, use the SVN perspective by clicking on Window-Open Perspective, selecting "SVN Repository Exploring", and clicking on OK.
  2. Click on eclipse_new-repository.gif (i.e., the "New Repository" icon).
  3. Browse to the appropriate folder/directory under Dropbox. (e.g., c:\users\bernstdh\Dropbox\CS345repository under MS-Windows, /Users/bernstdh/Dropbox/CS345repository under OS X, or /home/bernstdh/Dropbox/CS345repository under Linux).
  4. Select "File System" (if it isn't already).
  5. Select "Create Repository Location" (if it isn't already).
  6. Click on OK.

Third, you need to create a project (if you don't already have one) as you normally would in Aptana Studio.

Finally, you need to perform the initial commit. In Aptana Studio:

  1. Right-click on the project directory. (You may need to change to the Project Explorer view first.)
  2. Pull down to Team-Share Project.
  3. If you are given the option of choosing a version control system, choose SVN.
  4. Choose your repository.
  5. Add a comment for the commit (e.g., "Initial Commit") and click OK.

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