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Connecting to a Subversion Repository on Dropbox

1 Introduction

While one can use a dedicated Subversion server (e.g., RiouxSVN) to host/serve repositories, it is also possible to use Dropbox.

2 Getting Started

Each member of the team must install the Dropbox client (if it is not already installed) so that Dropbox is available using the file:// protocol (i.e., as if it is on the file system).

In addition, one member of the team must have setup a Subversion repository.

3 Adding a Repository Location

Each member of the team other than the person who created the repository (who doesn't have to do anything) must add a repository location. You can do this in one of two ways.

Approach 1:

  1. If you are not already, use the SVN perspective by clicking on Window-Open Perspective, selecting "SVN Repository Exploring", and clicking on OK.
  2. Click on eclipse_new-repository-location.gif (i.e., the "New Repository Location" icon).
  3. On the "Enter Repository Location" page, enter file:// followed by the path to the Dropbox folder containing the repository (e.g., file:///c:/users/bernstdh/Dropbox/CS345repository under MS-Windows, file:///Users/bernstdh/Dropbox/CS345repository under OS X, or file:///home/bernstdh/Dropbox/CS345repository under Linux) and click on Finish. (You may be asked to complete the "Password Recovery" process at this point.)

Approach 2:

  1. Click on File-Import-SVN -Project from SVN and Next.
  2. If necessary, select "Create a new repository location" and click on Next.
  3. On the "Enter Repository Location" page, enter file:// followed by the path to the Dropbox folder containing the repository (e.g., file:///c:/users/bernstdh/Dropbox/CS345repository under MS-Windows, file:///Users/bernstdh/Dropbox/CS345repository under OS X, or file:///home/bernstdh/Dropbox/CS345repository under Linux) and click on Finish. (You may be asked to complete the "Password Recovery" process at this point.)

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