Punch Card Games
Punch Card Games
is one of
several fictitious companies
created by Prof. David Bernstein, now a member of the
Computer Science Department at James Madison University
1 About the Company
Punch Card Games has been developing computer games since
the late 1970s, when punch cards were still being used and games
(like Colossal Cave Adventure) were run on mainframe computers
(like the IBM 360 and PDP-10). As the industry evolved, they moved
from mainframes to personal computers, and started using the
shorter version of their name, PC Games. They then started
developing software for game consoles and, most recently, for
mobile devices (including smartphones). They are especially
well-known for their attention to game play and narrative, but
they have also created games with extraordinary visual and
auditory content.
2 About the Name
There are two different ways to read the name Punch Card
Games. "Punch" can be a modifier of "Card Games" (one of the
companies specialties), or "Punch Card" can be a modifier of
"Games" (because the company has been making games since the days
of punch cards).