Tax laws have become more and more complicated over the years making
them almost impossible for people to understand. As a result, a
variety of different software products have been created and
marketed over the years that people can use to calculate their taxes
and file the required forms. As useful as these products are, they
require a significant investment of time and, for some purposes, are
"overkill". That is, people don't always need to perform exact
calculations, sometimes they just need to get a quick estimate of
their tax payments and their marginal tax rate.
Given our history, FreeMarket is
well-positioned to take advantage of this opportunity with a new product
named Taxeze.
Target Market
We anticipate that Taxeze will be a mass-market product,
of most interest to people that own middle- to low-end portable
computing devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, etc...).
Currently, there are no comparable products available, and we know
of none that are being developed.
Taxeze must be developed in Java.
Business Requirements
Taxeze must be usable after only 30 minutes of training.