Mid-Level Design of iPunch v1

1 Overview: Synthetic Systems contracted with the eminent Prof. David Bernstein of JMU to create a mid-level design for iPunch based on the requirements specification that was provided to him (and several subsequent discussions). This document contains the UML class diagrams for that design.

The design is divided into four pieces so that it can be implemented by four different programmers. Each programmer should "own" (i.e., be responsible for) one piece of the design. Note that some classes/interfaces appear in multiple diagrams. Classes/interfaces with black text are the responsibility of the programmer that "owns" that diagram. Classes/interface with blue text are included for informational purposes.

Unfortunately, Synthetic Systems had a liquidity problem before the design was completed. Hence, there may be inconsistencies and details may have been omitted. In addition, the design does not include any description of the dynamic behavior of iPunch. All questions should be directed to Prof. Bernstein. However, since he is no longer being paid for his time, you may have to resolve the questions on your own.

2 Programmer 1: Programmer 1 is responsible for the following portion of the system:
3 Programmer 2: Programmer 2 is responsible for the following portion of the system:
4 Programmer 3: Programmer 3 is responsible for the following portion of the system:
5 Programmer 4: Programmer 4 is responsible for the following portion of the system:

Copyright 2009