Java Programming

1 Purpose

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate that you have begun to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to design and construct programs in Java.

2 Overview

For this assignment you must create several classes, all of which involve a simple command-line gradebook system named Gradebusters (that involves many references to the movie Ghostbusters ).

The "normal" class you must create is the following.

  • Grade - an encapsulation of a course grade. (Specification)
  • The applications (i.e., the classes with a main() method) you must create include the following.

  • GradeWriter - an application that accepts a a String representation of an ArrayList of Grade as a command-line argument and writes it to a file (named eid.grades). (Specification)
  • GradeReader - an application that reads a String representation of an ArrayList of Grade objects from a file (named eid.grades) and prints the individual Grade objects. (Specification)
  • 3 A Complete Use of the System

    A user of the system will perform the following steps, once all of the components have been completed.
    1. Run GradeWriter to save a student's grades.
    2. Run GradeReader to view a student's grades.

    4 Submission

    You must submit all of your .java files using Canvas in a single file named

    5 Visibility

    Your deliverables may be made public (i.e., available to both other students in the course and the general population).

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