Reference Card

1 Flow Control and Related Topics:


\(L\) denotes the length of the frame
\(R\) denotes the transmission rate
\(d_{\text{trans}} = L/R\) denotes the frame transmission delay
\(d_{\text{prop}}\) denotes the propagation delay
\(RTT = 2 \cdot d_{\text{prop}}\) denotes the round-trip time (i.e., round-trip propagation delay)
\(d_{\text{ack}}\) denotes the ACK transmission delay
\(d_{\text{proc}}\) denotes the processing time
\(d_{\text{total}} = d_{\text{trans}} + RTT + d_{\text{ack}} + 2 \cdot d_{\text{proc}}\)
\(U\) denotes the utilization rate (and is defined as \(d_{\text{trans}}/d_{\text{total}}\))

Important Facts/Results

\(U_\text{Stop-and-Wait} = \frac{1}{1 + \left(\frac{RTT}{d_{\text{trans}}}\right)}\)

\(U_\text{Fixed Window} = \frac{w}{w + \left(\frac{RTT}{d_{\text{trans}}}\right)}\)

2 Graphs and Networks:


\(V\) is a non-empty, finite set of vertices (or nodes)
\(L\) is a finite set of unordered pairs of distinct elements of \(V\) called links (or edges or arcs)
A simple graph, \(G\), is an ordered pair \((V,L)\)

Copyright 2013