JMU CS446 - Software Analysis and Design
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Setting-Up your Development Environment for the Project

It is probably best to start with a "clean" development environment for the project (using the same tools you've been using all semester).
  1. Create a directory for a new Eclipse workspace. (You can use an existing workspace, but I don't recommend it.) For example:
  2. Create a directory for a new local repository. For example:

    Do not put the repository directory inside of the workspace directory. (If you have a directory that you use for all of your Git repositories, you can use it instead if you want.)

  3. Open Eclipse using the appropriate directory (e.g., /home/bernstdh/cs446/projectworkspace).
  4. Click on [Window]-[Perspective]-[Open Perspective]-[Other]-[Git].
  5. Click on "Clone a Git Repository" and:
    1. Enter the "URI"
    2. Enter your "User" and "Password" (i.e., your Personal Access Token).
    3. Click on [Next]
    4. Select main
    5. Click on [Next]
    6. Enter the appropriate "Directory" (e.g., /home/bernstdh/cs446/projectrepository)
    7. Click on [Finish]
  6. Expand the Working Tree.
  7. Right-click on deployment and choose "Import Projects"
  8. Right-click on testing and choose "Import Projects".
  9. Re-start Eclipse. (This shouldn't be necessary, but is because of a defect in Eclipse or Egit.)
  10. Open the Java Perspective.
  11. Expand the testing project.
  12. Right-click on the resources directory, pull down to [Build Path] and select [Use as Source Folder].
  13. Right-click on testing, pull down to [Build Path] and select [Configure Build Path].
  14. Select the "Projects" tab.
  15. Select "Classpath".
  16. Click on [Add].
  17. Select deployment and click on [OK].
  18. Choose the "Libraries" tab.
  19. Select "Classpath".
  20. Click on [Add Library...].
  21. Select "JUnit".
  22. Click on [Next].
  23. Select "JUnit 5".
  24. Click on [Finish].
  25. Setup the Checkstyle configuration/checks file for the course and the course formatter. (If you have forgotten how to do this, see the course "Help" page on "Installing and Configuring the Base CS446 Development Environment".
  26. Click on [Run]-[Run Configurations].
  27. Select JUnit.
  28. Click on the "New Launch Configuration" icon.
  29. Name it "AllTests".
  30. Select "Run all tests in the selected..."
  31. Search for the testing project.
  32. Select "JUnit 5" for the "Test runner".
  33. Click on [Apply].

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