JMU CS446 - Software Analysis and Design
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uSuite Product Demonstration

1 Audience and Purpose

Your presentation must be targeted at the product owner. The primary purpose of the presentation is to demonstrate the features of the product.

2 Format and Style

The first part of your presentation must be scripted and rehearsed. In other words, you must know what features you are going to demonstrate, how you are going to demonstrate them, and what you are going to say.

The whole team must be available to answer questions, but everyone need not be part of the scripted presentation. (In fact, I would recommend involving as few people as possible in the scripted presentation.)

3 Length

The scripted part of the demonstration must be no longer than 15 minutes. You must then be prepared to answer up to 3 minutes of questions.

4 Incomplete Features

The product you demonstrate must not contain any incomplete features. In other words, if the user interface makes it seem like a feature is available then it must actually be available. For example, the product must not have any menu options that do not do anything or buttons that do not do anything.

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