CS349 Final Projects Spring 2021
Sam Schafft and Shawn Vanderlyn

multimedia2.jar (if you don't already have it)

To Run:
java -jar SnakeTopia.jar

When you first run the application you see a blue box on the top portion containing a few drop down options and two buttons. Hitting the [About] button pops up a display window telling about the general concept of the game. On the far left drop down you click on the word "snake" and the three possible colors are shown, click on the one you want. The "background" drop down works in the same manner. The user then clicks on the "Start" button for the game to load user specifications and the game to start. If no specifications are made before hitting start, then the default colors will be used. The user then uses the left,right,up, and down arrow keys to turn the snake in the direction they want. If a collision occurs, or the snake covers the whole length of the board, a pop up showing the final score and the selection to play again appears. Hitting no closes the application, while hitting yes lets new customizations be made and the ability to hit start to play again.

Known Bugs: