CS349 Final Projects Spring 2021
Hunter Cantrell and Matthew Foley

multimedia2.jar (if you don't already have it)

To Run:
java -jar MidiTurtle.jar

Start first by entering the file path of any midi file you would like to run the application on, preferably in the same working directory. Click load. After loading the file you can run and watch the animation by clicking play. Clicking pause will pause the animation and the song. Clicking restart will rest everything as if you just clicked load. Finally, if you would like to save the created image, simply click export and a .png file of the image will be saved in the same folder that the program is contained in.

Known Bugs:

Currently the export button does not export the png file to a readable location as is supposed to save it to the bin folder of the project while it is in Eclipse.

The white line is traced over the black incorrectly. It is supposed to be more smooth and drawn out and not so choppy as we tried to rely on the multimedia tweening. We believe it's not working because they're not closed shapes being added as keyTimes for the sprite.

The last known bug is that the restart button does not reset the white tracing path animation to the center of the window despite a new sprite being generated and the DynamicMusicShapes object being cleared.