CS349 Final Projects Spring 2021
Jeremy Seute

multimedia2.jar (if you don't already have it)

To Run:
java -jar JChess.jar

You can select from four options, including Untimed, Bullet, Blitz, and Rapid. After selecting one of the time modes, the chess board will be loaded up. From there, you will see that it is White's turn at the top of the screen. You can begin the game at any time by selecting White's first move.

Moving a Piece:
You move a piece by clicking once on a piece. From there you will see that piece's allowed moves highlighted in red. Clicking on any one of these highlighted squares will move the piece to that square and end your turn.

The History Tab:
At any point during the game you can click "Show History" to reveal the move history of the active game. This is displayed in algebraic chess notation. Numbers represent the round, the first letter of a move represents a piece, "x" represents a capture, and the last letter and number represent the square.

Timed Modes:
During timed modes, each player has a clock that tracks their time remaining for all of their moves. This is represented in number of seconds. A player's clock only decreases during their turn. When a player's clock hits zero, they lose the game.

Known Bugs: