CS349 Final Projects Fall 2018
Benjamin Bole, Brandon Domonoski, and John Latino

multimedia2.jar (if you don't already have it)

To Run:
java -jar ShapeRun.jar

ShapeRun is a 2D side-scrolling arcade game in which you control the protagonist, Boxy, as he attempts to traverse across several platforms and spikes that increase in frequency and complexity as the level goes on. Boxy can jump over boxes and spikes to make it to the end of the level. If Boxy runs into a spike, he will die and the game will restart. If Boxy gets stuck behind a platform, it will push him towards the end of the screen until he falls off, and he'll have to start over. You can track Boxy's progress through the level with the progress bar at the top of the screen.


Known Bugs:
When the BoxySprite 'jumps' (x position increases and box rotates), the sprite will usually not land on a surface 'flat' (side of the box flush with the surface)
At times, for a reason yet diagnosed, the BoxySprite may 'clip' into a platform creating illusion that he is inside of it. This is not intended behavior.
Sometimen the pause screen will simultaneously display the mute and unmute button. All other functions of this screen appear to work appropriately