Sample Questions for the Final Exam

  1. Answer the sample questions for exams 1, 2, and 3.
  2. Answer the questions on exams 1, 2, and 3.
  3. Carefully define/explain the following:
    Hash Function

    Binary Search Tree



    Complete Graph

  4. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false:
    (1) _____ Collisions improves the performance of a hashmap.
    (2) _____ Every node in a 3-heap has exactly three parents.
    (3) _____ The merge sort algorithm always outperforms the selection sort algorithm.
  5. What is for the algorithm (we discussed in lecture) for inserting a node into a binary search tree? Use notation.
  6. Discuss the advantages of chaining over probing (for collision resolution).
  7. Using the following hash function:
    int hash(int key)
        int result;
        result = key % 2;
        return result;

    insert the following keys:


    into a chained hashmap. Show all of your work for each insertion.

  8. Is the hash() function in the previous question:
    1. Perfect? Why or why not?
    2. A good hash function to use for a hashmap? Why or why not?
  9. Complete the following function (that might be used, for example, in a mid-square hash function). Note: You should not concern yourself with leading zeroes.
       * Returns the middle digits of a number
       * @param number     The number
       * @param numDigits  The number of digits in the return value
       * @return           An int containing the middle digits 
      int middleDigits(int number, int numDigits)
        int middle;
        return middle;
  10. Write a function that would be appropriate for hashing a set of JMU course identifiers (e.g., CS139, CS239, ENG152).
  11. Construct a binary tree that represents all of the possible outcome of tossing a coin three times.
  12. Draw all possible binary search trees containing the four elements 1, 2, 3, 4.
  13. Insert the numbers 49, 28, 66, 13, 35, 62, 80 (in order) into a binary search tree. Show all of your work. Discuss the properties of this BST.

    Now insert the numbers 13, 28, 35, 49, 62, 66, 80 (in order) into a binary search tree. Show all of your work. Discuss the properties of this BST.

  14. Write a function that finds the next-largest item in a subtree of a linked binary search tree. How would your answer change if the binary search tree is stored in a contiguous data structure?
  15. Write a function that finds the height of a linked tree (with an arbitrary number of children).
  16. Insert the numbers 9, 8, 4, 6, 2, 3 (in order) into a 2-heap using a linked data structure. Show all of your work.
  17. Insert the numbers 9, 8, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 5, 7 (in order) into a 3-heap using a contiguous data structure. Show all of your work. (Make sure you describe the functions/algorithms you used to determine the indexes of parent and child nodes.)
  18. Given the following illustration of a 4-heap:
    1. Change the 62 to a 49 and perform a "sift up".
    2. Change the 46 to a 17 and perform a "sift up".
    3. Remove the smallest element by swapping the "front" and "back" elements, removing the new "back" element, and performing a sift down.
    4. Add a new element (with a value of 27) by making it the "back" element and performing a sift up.
  19. Given the following illustration of a directed graph (where the numbers next to an edge/link represent its "length"):

    calculate the "shortest" path from vertex/node 0 to vertex/node 8 using the label setting algorithm discussed in lecture. Show your work in the tables next to each vertex/node (i.e., each time you change the label associated with a vertex/node you must add a row to the associated table that contains the new label and the new predecessor).

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