DukeDisc v5

Existing Components
Verion 5 of the TextInterface class has already been implemented. The source code is available but must not be modified (though you may #include additional libraries if necessary).

TextInterface ( Header , Implementation )

This class must be in the v5 subdirectory.

Changes to Existing Code:
The Driver: You must write a driver named Driver5.cpp (that must be in the DukeDisc directory). The only difference between this driver and Driver4.cpp is that it must #include v5 of the DiscChanger and TextInterface classes. Specifically:
#include "v5/DiscChanger.h"
#include "v5/TextInterface.h"
The Slot Class: You must create version 5 of the Slot class which must be in directory v5. In version 5 you must:
  • Replace the int ID attribute with a char * named title.
  • Have title point to a dynamically allocated array of 80 chars. This array must be allocated in the constructor. The title must be "Empty" if the Slot does not contain a disc.
  • Replace the void getID(int &id) method with a char *getTitle() method. NOTE: This method returns a pointer to a char array.
  • Replace the void setID(int id) method with a void setTitle(char *title) method. This method must copy the title into the attribute named title.
  • Add a destructor.
The DiscChanger Class: You must create version 5 of the DiscChanger class which must be in directory v5. In version 5 you must:
  • Replace the void getID(int &id) method with a void getTitle(char *title) method. NOTE: This method is passed a pointer to an empty char array of size 80. This method should copy the title of the disc in the current Slot into this array. (Be Careful: The getTitle() method in the Slot class has a different signature than this method.)
  • Replace the void loadDisc(int id) method with a void loadDisc(char *title) method.
  • Make any other changes necessary to support the use of titles rather than IDs (without changing the signatures of any other methods).
Other Issues:
Useful Functions: The strcpy() function can be used to copy C-style strings.
Building: The following makefile may prove to be useful in this regard:
# Phony target to build all versions
all: v1 v2 v3 v4 v5

# Phony targets for each version
v1: Driver1
v2: Driver2
v3: Driver3
v4: Driver4
v5: Driver5

# Drivers
Driver1: Driver1.o v1/DiscChanger.o v1/Slot.o
	g++ Driver1.o v1/DiscChanger.o v1/Slot.o -o Driver1

Driver1.o:  Driver1.cpp v1/DiscChanger.h
	g++ -c Driver1.cpp

Driver2: Driver2.o v2/TextInterface.o v1/DiscChanger.o v1/Slot.o
	g++ Driver2.o v2/TextInterface.o v1/DiscChanger.o v1/Slot.o -o Driver2

Driver2.o:  Driver2.cpp v2/TextInterface.h v1/DiscChanger.h 
	g++ -c Driver2.cpp

Driver3: Driver3.o v2/TextInterface.o v3/DiscChanger.o v1/Slot.o
	g++ Driver3.o v2/TextInterface.o v3/DiscChanger.o v1/Slot.o -o Driver3

Driver3.o:  Driver3.cpp v2/TextInterface.h v3/DiscChanger.h 
	g++ -c Driver3.cpp

Driver4: Driver4.o v2/TextInterface.o v3/DiscChanger.o v1/Slot.o
	g++ Driver4.o v2/TextInterface.o v3/DiscChanger.o v1/Slot.o -o Driver4

Driver4.o:  Driver4.cpp v2/TextInterface.h v3/DiscChanger.h 
	g++ -c Driver4.cpp

Driver5: Driver5.o v5/TextInterface.o v5/DiscChanger.o v5/Slot.o
	g++ Driver5.o v5/TextInterface.o v5/DiscChanger.o v5/Slot.o -o Driver5

Driver5.o:  Driver5.cpp v5/TextInterface.h v5/DiscChanger.h 
	g++ -c Driver5.cpp

# v1 of DiscChanger and Slot
v1/DiscChanger.o: v1/DiscChanger.cpp v1/DiscChanger.h v1/Slot.h
	g++ -c v1/DiscChanger.cpp -o v1/DiscChanger.o

v1/Slot.o: v1/Slot.cpp v1/Slot.h
	g++ -c v1/Slot.cpp  -o v1/Slot.o

# v2 of TextInterface
v2/TextInterface.o: v2/TextInterface.cpp v2/TextInterface.h
	g++ -c v2/TextInterface.cpp -o v2/TextInterface.o

# v3 of DiscChanger
v3/DiscChanger.o: v3/DiscChanger.cpp v3/DiscChanger.h v1/Slot.h
	g++ -c v3/DiscChanger.cpp -o v3/DiscChanger.o

# v5 of DiscChanger, Slot and TextInterface
v5/DiscChanger.o: v5/DiscChanger.cpp v5/DiscChanger.h v5/Slot.h
	g++ -c v5/DiscChanger.cpp -o v5/DiscChanger.o

v5/Slot.o: v5/Slot.cpp v5/Slot.h
	g++ -c v5/Slot.cpp  -o v5/Slot.o

v5/TextInterface.o: v5/TextInterface.cpp v5/TextInterface.h
	g++ -c v5/TextInterface.cpp -o v5/TextInterface.o


You can build version 5 of DukeDisc with the command make v5.

Testing: You can use the same tests you used for v1 but now the IDs will be treated as titles (be sure you understand why). However, to make sure your code works with titles that are longer than one character, you can begin your testing with the following analogous tests:

In these tests, an ID of 1 has been replaced with a title that starts with 'A', an ID of 2 has been replaced with a title that starts with 'B', etc...

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