Going Further on Programming Assignment 7

These questions/problems/tasks allow you to go further on Programming Assignment 7. They are neither required nor for extra credit. They will, however, help you gain a deeper understanding of the material.
1 Sorting Multiple Results: In the current application, when there are multiple segments that contain the given address, they are presented to the user sorted by segment ID. In many situations, it makes more sense to sort the results by distance from a given longitude/latitude.
  1. Learn how to calculate the "great circle distance" between two points.
  2. Implement an algorithm that can be used to calculate the "great circle distance". Give careful thought to where this code should be (i.e., in what class).
  3. Modify your design so that the application can either sort by segment ID or by distance from a given point. (Hint: You should think about using classes that implement the Comparator java.util.Comparator interface.)
  4. Modify your application so that the user can supply a longitude/latitude pair (at run-time) that is used to sort the geocoded locations when there are multiple segments for a single address. When such a longitude/latitude pair is not provided, the application should sort by segment ID.
2 Flexible Street Names: In the current application, the user must enter the street name exactly. Unfortunately, people often don't know the street "type" (e.g., whether it is Elm St or Elm Dr). Modify your application so that, if it does not find the street name as given, it ignores the street "type" (e.g., if an appropriate segment is not found for 512 Elm St it then looks for 512 Elm Dr, 512 Elm Ave, etc...).

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