JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science

1 Required Java Development Tools

Coming soon! There are a variety of Java development tools that you must use this semester. Information about how to install these tools is available on the course "Help" page.
Java Development Kit Standard Edition v17 (Compiler and Runtime)
Eclipse v2023-06 (Integrated Development Environment)
Checkstyle v10.7-v10.12 (Static Analysis Tool)
JUnit v5.8-v5.9 (Unit Testing Framework)
EclEmma v3.1.6-v3.1.7 (Coverage Tool)

Note that for some of these tools, multiple versions are listed. This means that you may use any version in the listed range.

2 Other Useful Development Tools

There are a variety of other development tools that you might find useful as the semester progresses, including:

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