CS 101: Command Line Review
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Part 1: Second Chance

We will continue to use the command line throughout the semester, so it's important that you are both familiar and comfortable with it. If you didn't complete the tutorial from two weeks ago, now is your chance to get caught up!

Don't forget:

Part 2: List of Commands

Here are some of the commands that we have learned so far this semester. If you need to review how to use any of these commands, please ask questions or watch the videos above. You should also be familiar with the symbols ., .., ~, and &.

Directories ls list directory contents
cd change directory
pwd print working directory
mkdir make directories
rmdir remove empty directories
Files cp copy files and directories
mv move (or rename) files
rm remove files or directories
less view text file contents
file determine file type
Editors gedit GNOME text editor
nano Nano's ANOther editor
Processes fg run in the foreground
bg run in the background
jobs list background processes
kill terminate/signal a process
top display current processes
Networking host DNS lookup utility
ssh secure shell client
who show who is logged on
exit logout / quit the terminal
Commands man show reference manual
history list previous commands
which locate a command

Please remember to use the tab key often to complete whatever command or filename you're typing. Tab-completion not only saves you time, it also helps you avoid mistakes (e.g., misspelling something). Remember that you can use the up and down arrows to repeat previous commands.

Ready for more?

Check out http://ss64.com/bash/ for a longer list of Unix commands.